Terms and Conditions
By placing a deposit and reserving a puppy from Golden Pups and Puppies, the buyer agrees to all the following terms and conditions.
1. Deposits are non-refundable unless if through some tragic accident the reserved puppy were to die, be injured or develop a serious illness or disorder before going to puppy’s new home. This does NOT include minor imperfections and/or common breed conditions including, but not limited to heart murmur grade 1 & 2, uneven bites, elongated soft pallet, umbilical hernia, retained testicle/s & customer allergies etc. Deposits will not be returned if the customer has simply had a change of mind. Deposits may be rolled over to the next available litter upon agreement with the purchaser. Golden Pups and Puppies reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time without giving a reason. A deposit forms a contract to commit to purchasing a puppy from Golden Pups and Puppies, and will be deducted from the full purchase price. Due balance due in cash, or Zelle transfer only. Checks are not accepted.
2. A puppy will not be released to buyer until payment is made in full. Failure to pay the balance in full on the agreed-upon pick-up/delivery date voids this agreement and seller may offer the puppy to another buyer without further obligation to the buyer placing this deposit. Failure of the buyer to complete this purchase would subject Seller to lost opportunities to sell the puppy to another buyer and retention of the deposit is meant to compensate the seller for lost time and additional expenses incurred.
3. Puppy collection date is based on Breeder’s estimation of when the puppy will be naturally weaned and ready to be placed in a new home. The Breeder reserves the right to retain the puppy past the original agreed-upon collection date if it is found to be beneficial to the health and well-being of the puppy. Please note puppies cannot legally leave their mother until reaching the age of 8 weeks.
4. Buyer understands that should the puppy be sold with AKC registration, then, no breeding rights will be given. Endorsements may be removed by the breeder only if all known breed standard health checks have been made.
5. The buyer understands that there is no guarantee to size, weight, and/or colour of puppy at maturity.
6. The Seller reserves the right to void this transaction and refund the deposit if made aware of any
reason why a buyer might not provide a suitable environment for a puppy or buying to resell or buying as a gift for a third party. No puppies will be available for collection during the Christmas & New Year period.
7. The Seller cannot guarantee puppy availability, nor puppy gender, only notes the customer's
8. The puppies will all go to their forever homes with vaccines and dewormer up to date, as well as our veterinarian´s approval and certification of a clean bill of health.
9. No refunds are payable on returned healthy puppies or dogs for rehoming by Golden Pups and Puppies.
10. All pregnancy timings are approximate and are subject to change, it is up to nature when the puppies arrive!!
11. Puppy socialization and training is the responsibility of the purchaser. The breeder offers no warranty of the puppy/dog’s temperament or potential of breed standard.
12. All timings are approximate and are subject to change, it is up to nature when the puppies arrive !!